A beautiful game of chess

I played two games with an Udyr smurf, and he played in such a hyper-aggressive beautiful way. We were on blue side, and so level one he invaded into their jungler's topside. In this game they ended up killing their Sion, but what his game plan was, is ward their raptors, and full clear their redside. After that he bases and buys a dark seal. With a ward on their raptor entrance, you now have info about enemy jg pathing. If the enemy walks over your ward, they’re fucked and you get ¾ths the jg. If you don’t see them, and you know they’re on your red, then you have options to either base and collapse, or just full clear and they have a bad timing. With this advantage, you will be lvl 4 before them and you can fight them on their crab, and then take double crab for a consistent advantage to start the game. He’s showing me on a call several different cases, but this really just is a beautiful game of strategy.