A graveyard of potential

One of my favorite quotes is The pain of inaction is worse than the pain of the incorrect action. As much as I like that I can't help but recognize my shortcomings there. Idea after idea, project after project. All of them lay dormant in some notes app somewhere or else. Some died in my calendar, as an event used as a reminder long forgotten. Some lay in a Todo app I don't use anymore. Some hung on in a daily reminder until today I caved and deleted them, so they rest there never to be realized. As I prepare to move for the summer, I'm faced with all of the things I didn't do. I can't even blame it on perfectionism, as I didn't even start. I planned, but only in my mind. I never took action to do it. Some people struggle to ever get inspiration, and yet here I stand with the opposite. Overwhelmed at the start line. How am I not supposed to feel shame at that.

I consistently fall short of what I could be. I guess I can't think of any reason why I come up short. The second the pressure came off me, I sunk back down. Last quarter I had an obscene work load. And I still have powerlifting everything I had. Now I have almost nothing, and I half ass everything I do. How am I not meant to feel shame at this.