A weirdly shameful connection to music

I know I don’t like sharing music, but I keep having an urge to share some thoughts about certain songs. The only problem is any medium I could possibly use is with my friends, and then we’re back to square one. I have been blasting the song “My mother wants me dead” – ily, but I don’t know a single person who fucks with that kind of music. I guess I kinda enjoy having this little non-performative portion of me though, because I can enjoy this music without the fear of doing it for someone else to see. I was shooting down the highway on the way home blasting the song on repeat with the windows down. I’m going to be kinda sad when I no longer daily my old shitty Prius. With this car, I can hold down the gas pedal for 30 seconds straight to get to about 90. If I get one of the cars I was planning, that’ll happen way faster and there will be no responsible way to really send it like that. What’s the point of having a powerful car if you can’t use it, and you don’t even earn the speed. When I’m going 90+ I had to work up to that, but if I get a model S or something then that’s just oops I didn’t pay attention and held gas a bit too much. Oh well, no point being preemptively upset.