Don't slow down now
I feel at least a bit better today if anything. I studied a lot, and I finished the chapter on ML. Thankfully I have seen this material before, and so not much was new, as compared to probability/stats. In studying, I re-ran through the interview question I had in the first round, and I realized how clueless I was in my answer. I did have some good intuition things going for me, but I ended up with something that was completely uninformed. Now at least I learned one thing more and a general framework of answering those types of questions, and given the fact that I got to this stage with that answer (my recruiter said don’t stress, if you already got to this stage that means you’re doing well) means that I will only do better with this new prep. I think more than everything else, my natural curiosity and passion will hopefully carry me past the lack of experience I currently have. Thankfully I don’t have to fake that and it’s genuine so that’s a MASSIVE thing in my favor. But also showing how I learned so much since the last interview is something that reflects really well on me. I want to prepare a bit more tomorrow and also make sure that I have at least a basic preparation of my history and behavioral questions / questions to ask ready to go. I’m excited! And terrified. But let’s focus on excited!