Frankly, I'm Afraid

Honestly, there are a lot of things in my life that I don’t know how they’re going to turn out. There are a lot of immediate things and a lot of long-term things which I’m afraid for. I didn’t know whether to write afraid of or for – as a lot of these fears are things not working out. I feel like I’m permanently not doing enough for a lot of things, and that constant sense of anxiety really ruins my quality of life. I guess that’s probably because I have anxiety. I wonder how other people go through life, without that constant crushing feeling in their chest whenever something is wrong.

I decided to myself that I’m going to try to lifemaxx again, so I started setting out some criteria of things I want to do. I started using the app Habitica to hopefully keep track of these things a bit better, and also incentivize myself. I still need to fix my sleep schedule, but I have a couple of other things I’m hoping will improve my quality of life. I don’t really have a new-year’s resolution, as I feel like I don’t need some big event to decide to commit to something like that. But I guess this ends up lining up around that time anyway. I also decided I want to try taking my medication more frequently, as I heard some studies about it actually teaching your brain to properly regulate the chemicals better, so here’s to hoping that works.