Hello World!

First posts are always awkward, it's like setting a precedent and without more to back it up it just feels like a skeleton of a neglected project, but here my attempt is.

I've decided to start writing a “blog” more as a way to put down my thoughts into writing, almost as a public journal. I think of it more as an extended discord status to be honest. I hope I don't sound too pretentious, as writing has never really been my strong suit and I don't know if I'm able to emulate the way English majors talk, so here I am.

God forbid someone expect something out of this, but hopefully this is a cathartic process for me.

Regarding the name of the blog, I chose “An Open Letter”, as I feel like that is what I hope this to be. More or less an ongoing one-sided conversation to the digital void, and while part of me hopes no one I know reads this, this is my little act of change.

I hope to be for lack of a better word pretty damn cringe, because if I can do that I don't doubt that I will be an unadulterated version of myself, and I'd like to be as authentic as I can. I plan on writing more about what I mean by this later.

Either way, as cliché as this is, (look how fancy I am copy pasting the é) this is my Hello World to this project!