One bucket list down

Today I saw Cleopatrick in concert and I just got home and I'm about to pass out. The fucking coolest thing is they were playing their new album with ZIGMENTALITY And I found out they all are connected after which was an insane thing to blow my mind. As the concert ended one of their friends who was helping was coming to clean up and I begged him to show them my shirt because I made the custom one from when I went to Cobourg and he thought it was sick and said he would show it to them in the back. They all ended up signing it and I even got to talk with all of them and take photos and I even got to exchange Instagrams with one of the people from ZIG!!! It turns out Luke even watched my TikTok that I made which is really funny because it has like six likes. Ill write a lot more tomorrow since I'm about to pass out right now, but I remember in the concert thinking about how if love is to be changed, or if you should change for love. Or if there is some weird other option where love should require no change and that was something I wanted to think about later.