Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Holy shit. I think everyone sees this show at first and writes it off as a fanservice show, but this was an incredible coming of age anime, and an incredibly sweet, healthy romance. I do have things I want to say about the show, but what I wanted to post about was the movie in specific.
For context, the last time I cried was when Tonia ghosted me a year ago; and I just cried 3x during the movie. The movie itself was incredibly bitter sweet, and was a continuation of season 1. But ultimately, I think the thing that really struck me to my core was how much Mai loves Sakuta. I’m just overall love-deprived due to childhood, so seeing someone love Sakuta that much cut me to my core. Typically I’m used to empathizing with feelings of love for other characters during romance shows, but to see someone love you mutually back similarly if not more, that got me. I think its easy for me to forget that love should be a mutual feeling, and the movie really does capture my definition of love: when someone is willing to do something that is strictly bad for them, in the interest of benefiting someone they love.
One other thing that really struck me was one of the main characters saying how they want to be a kinder person every day. I think it’s easy to get by day to day without any sort of goal, and to just go through the motions. But I think it’s important to constantly strive to be a better, kinder person. I’d like to be kind to the people around me more, as my favorite quote goes: “The world is not kind, therefore we must be kind in its place.”