I’ve already started daydreaming of another car. I also talked with my therapist today about the hedonic treadmill that S brought up when I was excited to buy my current car. My therapist said that one of the views of philosophy is that the hedonic treadmill applies when you feel like you need something to fill a hole in your life, and when you believe that something will give you happiness. Almost like when you feel you need something. I think that’s something I can be aware of, but also something that I may try to game in my own mind – if I can convince myself that something that would be part of the hedonic treadmill is not, does that mean I’m deluding myself or that I’m breaking free from it? I’m not sure if I’m even making sense at this point, for some reason I’ve had a bad headache and my brain just isn’t working today.
When I only had a limited amount of time, I held onto it way more. I savored every moment and really cherished it. That same thing felt monotone when I knew I'd have it forever. I think there's a valuable takeaway there.
It’s happening! I placed the order today. The initial excitement has gone down, but I’m still incredibly happy. I can’t wait to just launch it all behind me.
Today I forced myself to go to plans, and went to a pool party with friends. I got a lot closer to some of them, and really enjoyed the time. I'm going racing tomorrow with them and hopefully ordering my new car! I think it is that simple, just do things scared and things change.
After shopping around for a car, I started to learn a little bit more about how finances work. By making some smart choices, I was able to save 7.5k immediately and an extra 200$ a month on insurance, all by myself. I honestly felt very empowered, and I want to learn more about finances. I’m starting to work full time next year, and so I want to get a good jump on things. I enjoy feeling like I am not ignorant.
Me and S installed it and the mods and were driving no hesi together while L watched. We kept going into low orbit after hitting the traffic dividers, and kept respawning together. It was a blast, another great night. After he got off me and L went down a rabbit hole and were looking at all of our digital footprints. It's 2am and my brain isn't working, but I hope I remember how I enjoy these memories.
I order the car on Saturday, and it’s actually happening! I still can’t believe it. I bought a Uniden r3 today and that comes tomorrow from amazon, so I can at least get that setup now. I’m really going to miss my Prius, I hope whoever she’s with next treats her well.
I had a good therapy session today, and a big thing we were talking about was dealing with envy. It’s shown up recently with why I think friends aren’t always happy for me with things, and that ended up leading to the thought of how other people don’t see the sacrifices that come with the financial/academic success I have now. I think it’s easy for people to see financial difficulties and sympathize with that, but I don’t know anyone irl who can sympathize with a lack of a childhood. Over summers I wouldn’t see a single friend until school started again, since I was locked at home doing SAT/ACT practice tests or studying for some other standardized test. I wasn’t allowed to go to friend’s houses, hang out with them, get rides from them, spend time after school or anything else like that. I never got to have any of those experiences, and so I feel a huge looming envy whenever people remind me of what they have. I do academically very well now because I did not have ANYTHING else growing up. When I say that was my entire life, I mean that – I didn’t get physical affection from my family, I didn’t get any kind of socialization, I had to teach myself social skills from reading things online and sneaking behind my parents back to talk to random people online. It was hell entering college and then having to start from square one, compared to everyone else who had parents who raised them to be a person outside of academics.
Because of that, yeah I am happy that I have this nicer thing than others. And I paid for it fully by myself. If I don’t have this to show, that means that I got robbed of any sort of childhood or adolescence for nothing, and I can’t stand to live with that thought. But I do wish someone else actually understood what life would be like without any of their socialization or development as a human until 18. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.
Today while driving back home I was thinking about how I’ve had the project of writing this blog myself sitting on a shelf neglected for months. I have time today, so I told myself I’d sit down and work on it. I told myself that if I did do it, then it was essentially like earning $10 a month forever, and I’d jump at the chance for that. That’s the exact same thing as me not spending $10 a month on this, and so that should be motivation to get that working. When I sat down to do it, I got it loaded but immediately got overwhelmed with the task and didn’t know how to implement either infinite grid scrolling or some sort of authentication, and so I ended up doing literally nothing for it and closed it. I want to at least work on it a bit to get it working in a basic sense, but I’m not doing great at following through on that right now. I hope to change that.